Dharmambudhi Lake To Bangalore Majestic - Interesting Story! ----------------------------

Ever wondered why Bangalore Bus Terminal is called Majestic?

Majestic, also known as Kempe Gowda Bus Station, serves as the primary city bus terminal in Bangalore.

This area was Dharmambudhi Tank, a vital water source for Bangalore, built during Kempe Gowda One's time.

In 1889, Prince Albert Victor's visit to Bangalore, he was welcomed by Bharatanatyam dancers near Dharmambudhi Tank.

Neglect led Dharmambudhi Tank to deteriorate, losing its charm over time, and dried up,

Post That Dharmambudhi Tank's bed was repurposed into a children's park in 1905.

In 1963, the government allocated a portion of the tank bed for the construction of a bus stand, marking the birth of Majestic..

Majestic got its name from a renowned cinema theater nearby, becoming synonymous with the bustling bus terminal.

During the time, majestic theater had 15 single screens running.

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